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Prevención en los isquios en el fútbol Soccer: ¿antes o después de entrenar?

Hamstring injury prevention in soccer: Before or after training?



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Lovell R1Knox M1Weston M2Siegler JC1Brennan S1Marshall PWM1.

 2018 Feb;28(2):658-666. doi: 10.1111/sms.12925. Epub 2017 Jun 28.


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Este estudio indica que realizar los ejercicios nórdicos de isquio (NHE) antes o después del entrenamiento de fútbol muestra similares resultados en cuanto al aumento de la fuerza excéntrica, pero diferentes adaptaciones estructurales.

El grosor muscular y el ángulo de pennación incrementaron cuando se hacía antes del entrenamiento. Realizar los ejercicios después del entrenamiento condujo un menor incremento en la longitud de los fascículos.

Los autores encontraron que aumentó el pico del torque excéntrico de flexión de rodilla y la activación muscular máxima del bíceps femoral en ambos grupos.

El ángulo de pennación y el grosor muscular incrementó solo en el grupo que realizó los ejercicios antes del entrenamiento.

Hay que destacar, sin embargo, que hubo un moderado cumplimiento con el programa, lo cual puede limitar las conclusiones.

De: Lovell et al., Scand J Med Sci Sports 28 (2018-03-07 08:34:04) 658-666 (Publ. antes de impresión). Todos los derechos reservados: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.. Pincha aquí para acceder al resumen. Traducido por Francisco Jimeno Serrano.



We examined the effects of a 12-week program of Nordic hamstring exercises (NHE), administered before or after football training, upon eccentric hamstring strength, muscle activity, and architectural adaptations. Amateur soccer players were randomized into three groups. The control group (CON; n=11) undertook core stability exercises, whereas a periodized NHE program was delivered either before (NHEBEF ; n=10) or after (NHEAFT ; n=14) biweekly training sessions. Outcome measures included peak torque and concomitant normalized peak surface electromyography signals (sEMG) of the biceps femoris (BF) and medial hamstring (MH) muscles during knee flexor maximal eccentric contractions, performed at 30°·s-1 . Ultrasonography was used to determine BF muscle thickness, muscle fiber pennation angle, and fascicle length. Performing the NHE derived likely moderate peak torque increases in both NHEBEF (+11.9%; 90% confidence interval: 3.6%-20.9%) and NHEAFT (+11.6%; 2.6%-21.5%) vs CON. Maximum sEMG increases were moderately greater in the BF of both NHE training groups vs CON. There were likely moderate increases in BF muscle thickness (+0.17 cm; 0.05-0.29 cm) and likely small pennation angle increases (+1.03°; -0.08° to 2.14°) in NHEAFT vs CON and NHEBEF . BF fascicle length increases were likely greater in NHEBEF(+1.58 cm; 0.48-2.68 cm; small effect) vs CON and NHEAFT . A 12-week eccentric hamstring strengthening program increased strength and sEMG to a similar magnitude irrespective of its scheduling relative to the football training session. However, architectural adaptations to support the strength gains differed according to the timing of the injury prevention program.


adaptation; hamstring; injury prevention; scheduling; soccer

PMID:  28544170   DOI:   10.1111/sms.12925